CBD products will be available by private pharmacies in Peru

According to the local authorities, the sale of CBD products and their derivatives will no longer be an activity exclusive to pharmacies and pharmacies of the Ministry of Health, as private establishments with their respective licenses will be incorporated as part of the commercialization network. This situation does not in any way change the obligation to register in the National Register of Cannabis Users Patients (REPUC) of the patient, family member, guardian or person who will support them in acquiring the products, whether for medical or therapeutic use.

Regarding the issuance of licenses, those corresponding to production, importation or commercialization for pharmaceutical laboratories and public institutions are in charge of the Digemid (Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas), the Regional Health Directorates (Diresa in spanish) or the Integrated Health Network Directorates (Diris in spanish).

In the case of artisanal production under the modality of associative cultivation, they will only be granted to patient associations, duly accredited and certified. Licenses are issued by Digemid, in the case of Metropolitan Lima, while in the regions they are the responsibility of the Regional Directorates of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs.

For further information or advice on the subject OMC Pharma Medic is at your disposal, you can write to us at: omago@pharmamedic.com and porlandini@pharmamedic.com